Client Highlight πŸ₯°

Think only training in person can get you results? Well think again!
How our  Online FitBride Client lost 23lb and dropped 8.5% body fat!

This bride came to me 6 months ago to get wedding ready. She had big goals in mind, and was ready to crush them. She took the tools I provided during our coaching calls and followed the program exactly how it was designed.

This was a smooth and steady progress. Each week, each workout, and each weekend, this bride intentionally made better choices, and the better choices added up. She followed her custom training program that we progressed over time with the accomplishments she was achieving.

She learned about the importance of food, and came to understand what is in the food she was putting into her body, and how to read food labels. She now knows how much food she needs to fuel her body properly according to her training volume and intensity, and energy levels.

She was such a pleasure to coach online and I am grateful to have watched and witnessed her lifestyle transform through the FitBride Experience.

This is the place to go for soon-to-be-brides to feel and look their best on their wedding day. This is a safe space to break old habits and create new ones.

What better way to have a customized approach to your wedding-ready goals than a program that caters to you. The Soon to be Bride!

Interested in becoming our next Online FitBride? Email us at [email protected] to get started!


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