What Does It Really Take to Make *That* Transformation?

As much as we wish it was - The transformation you see in our client's photos isn’t over night.

When you are looking at transformation pictures, your mind is just looking at the end result. It...

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Spatial Awareness

Have you ever been walking down the sidewalk - when there is plenty of room - and the person walking towards you just *$%#& crashes right into you??

Or maybe you have been on line at the...

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Body Awareness

Having body awareness is one of the best ways that we can stay healthy. Having “awareness” refers to knowing what your body feels like at your “normal” (hopefully good)...

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Talk to Yourself for Success

Years ago, there was a scientist who decided to do a study on if the way we speak to living beings affects their ability to thrive.

This scientist took two red delicious apples and put each in the...

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6 Foods That Cause Inflammation

First of all, what is inflammation? Inflammation is the body’s natural defense against illness to stimulate healing. This sounds good, right? However, sustained inflammation can lead to...

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Fats: Yay or Nay?

There is a belief that in order you lose fat, you have to avoid fat.

True or false? 

As always, my belief is that in order to get the best results, you have to do some homework to discover...

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Complex vs. Simple Carbohydrates


Good or bad?

I absolutely hate this trendy idea that carbs are bad for you!
Just like everything in life, education, moderation, and understanding are the key. I’m going to break...

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