Bridal Red Flags!

At TeamLeeFit, we’ve been supporting brides in achieving their goals for years. For some it was weight loss, for some it was toning up, and others it was simply building the confidence to...

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Are you afraid to fail?

Take a moment to think about a big goal that you have. It could be fitness or health related, but feel free to open it up to anything.

What do you want for your life?

“I’m scared of...

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9 Ideas to Make Lifestyle Changes


By now if you’ve been keeping up with TeamLeeFit for a while, you know we talk a lot about “lifestyle changes” for long-term results. What do we mean by this?

If you’re...

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Top 5 Reasons Why Having a Plan is the Key to Success

I'm sure you've been introduced to the phrase "Make A Plan" before in your life. Teachers told us this about getting all of our homework and studying done, our parents told this to us about our...

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What type of 'eater' are you?

What type of eater are you?

It is no secret that I believe awareness is the key to breaking through old habits to make way for new, healthy ones. Once you create the awareness and desire...

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