Don't Make These Common Bridal Mistakes

We have been supporting brides in achieving their goals for years through The FitBride Experience. For some it was weight loss, for some it was toning up, and others it was simply building the...

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Spatial Awareness

Have you ever been walking down the sidewalk - when there is plenty of room - and the person walking towards you just *$%#& crashes right into you??

Or maybe you have been on line at the...

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Body Awareness

Having body awareness is one of the best ways that we can stay healthy. Having “awareness” refers to knowing what your body feels like at your “normal” (hopefully good)...

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Improve Your Posture

How can posture affect my health?

Poor posture can be had for your health. Slouching or slumping over can:

  • Misalign your musculoskeletal system
  • Wear away at your spine, making it more fragile and...
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Guide to Eating at the Airport

So you booked yourself a trip, and getting ready to enjoy that vacation! You get to the airport and flight is delayed, and the choices for food are slim. There's fast food, pre-packaged sandwiches...

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Mindfulness & The 3 Step Approach

Someone asked me recently what makes me a great coach? What do I do with my clients that has them find real transformation, and are able to achieve their goals and then some?

I said mindfulness ...

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Do You Have a Healthy Gut?

Do You Have a Healthy Gut?

Gut health refers to the function and balance of the gastrointestinal tract. Ideally, organs all work together to allow us to eat and digest food without discomfort.


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Tips to Stay on Track While on Vacation

Since March 2021, there has been a spike in airline ticket sales. With the warm weather settling upon us and quarantine coming to an end, we've seen more people trying to get to the beach or...

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Pick a Better Bar


Pick a better bar - no, no I don't mean a better bar to go out and get drinks with your girlfriends.

That box of protein bars that you bought to snack on - do you know what's actually...

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