Best Workouts for Traveling

Many of our clients, and I'm sure many of you, either travel for work or just love to travel. I probably attract those kind of people because I'm obsessed with traveling. If you follow my Instagram...

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Spatial Awareness

Have you ever been walking down the sidewalk - when there is plenty of room - and the person walking towards you just *$%#& crashes right into you??

Or maybe you have been on line at the...

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Body Awareness

Having body awareness is one of the best ways that we can stay healthy. Having “awareness” refers to knowing what your body feels like at your “normal” (hopefully good)...

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What is "Functional Fitness"?

When we think of working out, often we think about lifting weights, getting bulky or big tight muscles, sweating, and - sorry if you hate this word - "gains". We might drift off to think about...

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Stick to Your Resolutions

So you’ve made it to the 8th (or 9th depending on where you are in the world) day of the new year and you’re hanging on to your new years resolution- even if by a thread. You want to...

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Guide to Eating at the Airport

So you booked yourself a trip, and getting ready to enjoy that vacation! You get to the airport and flight is delayed, and the choices for food are slim. There's fast food, pre-packaged sandwiches...

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Top Tips for Sleeping

Sleep is so important for so many reasons - better productivity and concentration, calorie regulation, greater performance, lower risk of heart disease and inflammation - for such a natural,...

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Swap THIS for THAT

Swap This for That

Long-lasting results are not a product of long-term dieting and elimination.

The way to achieve true, lasting transformation is to find healthy habits that work for you in...

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9 Ideas to Make Lifestyle Changes


By now if you’ve been keeping up with TeamLeeFit for a while, you know we talk a lot about “lifestyle changes” for long-term results. What do we mean by this?

If you’re...

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