Top 3 Reasons Food Journaling Works

There are so many different ways to practice healthy eating. Some people enjoy weighing their food, counting calories, counting macros, intuitive eating - the list goes on. 


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Wedding Traditions Explained

Have you ever been curious about where wedding traditions come from? 

In honor of FitBride By Lee's official 2021 launch, we thought it would be fun to do a little digging and learn about...

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The Importance of Hydration

Sure, drinking water can help us feel good, but did you know it can help improve performance and prevent injury too? Drinking plenty of water is vital to living both a healthy life and optimizing...

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5 Reasons You May Not be Losing Weight

Before jumping into the topic why you might not be losing weight, I want to reiterate that every body is different, and everyone's needs are different. A lot of figuring out what works for you is...

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Pick a Better Bar


Pick a better bar - no, no I don't mean a better bar to go out and get drinks with your girlfriends.

That box of protein bars that you bought to snack on - do you know what's actually...

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You Learned About Macros... Now What?

So you’ve figured out your BMI, TDEE, and your basic macro breakdown. Now what?

First, if you missed my post on how to calculate your macros, make sure you check it out first.


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Calculate Your Macros

Finally - learn how to calculate your macros!

Before we figure out your macro breakdown, we need to calculate your:

BMR, your Basal Metabolic Rate, which is the amount of calories your...

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9 Ideas to Make Lifestyle Changes


By now if you’ve been keeping up with TeamLeeFit for a while, you know we talk a lot about “lifestyle changes” for long-term results. What do we mean by this?

If you’re...

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Improve Your Hip Mobility

If you work at a desk or spend a lot of your day sedentary, you may experience tightness in your hip flexors. Tight hip flexors can lead to lower back pain and make every day tasks more difficult...

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Core vs. Abs


Core vs. Abs: Is there a difference?

While it’s important to work your abs, your abdominal muscles are just a small part of the front of your body.
However, your core is made up of over 20...

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